Welcome to Mission Aviation Fellowship in Madagascar

Mission Aviation Fellowship is an international Christian organisation whose mission is to fly light aircraft and to use other technology to bring help and hope to people in some of the world’s poorest communities.

MAF has operated in Madagascar since 1989, serving remote communities through aviation. We serve local partners including, churches, hospitals, missionaries, NGOs, and development and relief agencies who are working to provide access to healthcare, safe drinking water and the Gospel to the isolated people of Madagascar.

 Cessna 208 Caravan
About Us

MAF in Madagascar

MAF plane on airstrip in Marolambo for vaccine delivery
Important Flying Information

Before You Fly

MedAir flight
Request a Flight

Book a Flight

Sahakevo Airtrip
Paula Alderblad

MAF's Vision

Our vision is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ by serving together to bring help, hope and healing through aviation

Learn More

Request A Flight

Check out our flight destinations below and fill in the form to request a flight. Alternatively click on Contact and give us a call.

Flight Request Form

Please note this form is not a confirmation of your booking or an agreement for MAF Madagascar to conduct this flight. Our Bookings Staff will contact you either by email or phone to discuss your booking further.